School of Computing, National University of Singapore
Module Report, IS3150, Digital Media Marketing

- I liked that we were able to apply what we have learnt in this module during the project even though it wasn’t easy.
- It gives students the opportunity to work with clients, putting what we learn into practice. In addition, the milestone checks help us to better refine our project and understand the module better.
- Useful digital marketing techniques like running ads on Facebook and Google.
- Easy to follow and not too content intensive. More hands on than theoretical. Many students appreciate a module when we understands why we are learning it and being able to apply it in a workplace immediately since we will be working with companies.
- It is realistic and also trains up our skills for the marketing world.
- Learnt a lot from this module, lessons are well organised.
- The involvement of clients to make our projects realistic.
- Interesting module with real life applications.
- The module equips student with marketing knowledge and experience even for students who are totally new to marketing. Really interesting and useful module.
About the Teacher

- He is really helpful and is always ready to lend a helping hand to students! His lectures are very informative but not boring with the industry jokes and sharing his own personal experience!
- The module equips student with marketing knowledge and experience even for students who are totally new to marketing. Really interesting and useful module.
- I really learn a lot from Prof Lai. He always share with us his real life experience and expertise of his business to us.
- He is very experienced and really passionate in what he does, and his humour never fails to make the class laugh.
- He is able to get his students interested in the module because of the way he teaches and exposes his students to very real world scenarios through the project.
- Very passionate in teaching Digital Marketing. Really helped me to gain a lot of valuable content and insights.
- A true educator with knowledge, experience and patience in guiding his students.
Executive Courses

- “This course is a great introduction to Digital Marketing and Prof Lai is absolutely awesome!” — Mark Koh, Digital Sales Executive, Metropolitan Fishery Group Pte Ltd.
- “Enriching course for all and not just for marketeers!” — De Kretser Christopher Shaun, Sales Manager, Bona Technologies Systems Pte Ltd.
- “This course is what we need in this IT World.” — Subramaniam Meganathan, Digital Marketing, Jforce Employment Service Pte Ltd.
- “This course provides a realistic outlook and real-life examples of what digital marketing is all about in the world today.” — Irene Ong, Digital Sales & Marketing Exec, Sweetest Moments Pte Ltd.
- “This course is good and can improve marketing knowledge and strategy. This is useful for SME.” — Lee Fhong Yong, Digital Sales Executive, Dg Optics Centre.
- Michelle Sim, Julian Grey Corporate Advisory — please watch video below:


- 让零基础学员有正确方向如何操作数码营销。(慧矜 Khim,美术排版员)
- Dr. Lai 很谦虚,友善,风趣,没有架子,知识淵博,讲解生动,很好。老师讲解的很清楚,课程生动,让我清楚数码营销的细节。又有录影可以再次听课,加强知识的吸收。(Doris Tan, Retirer)
- 有课后进阶学习,很好的理论再结合实践。让学员们更了解所学的,也可以了解课程所要表达的。(邱学莉,文字工作者)
- 教程深入浅出,让学员明白各种数码营销平台的运行逻辑,方法,策略。有实际案例分析,更易明白课程理论。学员发问后,老师总是細心分析,乐于分享,提升了学习成效。 此外,课程函盖面广,各个社交平台都有触及,让人能有全局观,思维与看事物的角度更全面。(洪玉麟,有机果园/民宿业者)