The Journey of the Innovator (CP2201) is an annual short seminar series offered as a course by the School of Computing to students at the National University of Singapore. However, anyone who has an interest in tech start-ups, innovation and entrepreneurship is welcome to attend. In each session, invited guests from the start-up ecosystem share their personal experiences and insights candidly and answer questions from participants.
Seminar 1: 24 Jan
Start-up Pitching 1-2-3
Listen to the founders of 3 promising early stage start-ups as they make their company pitch and describe the ups and downs of their enterpreneurial adventure.
Kristoffer Jacek Soh, Beep
Serene Lim, Vibefam
Alex Tan, Agritisan
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Seminar 2: 7 Feb
From the Horses’ Mouth
Come and interact with two experienced entrepreneurs who are currently deeply immersed in their start-up ventures and learn from their insights and experience in their respective entrepreneurial journey.
Jeffrey Tiong, Patsnap
Roshni Mahtani, theAsianParent
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Seminar 3: 21 Feb
Money Talks
What makes an investible start-up? How important is the idea vs the market vs the team? Here’s your opportunity to put these questions to 2 experienced investors who have backed numerous successful tech companies in Asia.
Paul Santos, Wavemaker Partners
Ted Tan, SEEDS Capital
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